When people find out I graduated law school, they always ask me if I'm a lawyer. I'm not, by the time I graduated law school I was operating a successful business from my small apartment in Chicago. While I was in law school, I started blogging because my computer was a piece of junk and I could not save anything on the computer. In 2009, the only thing I knew about blogging was that it allowed you to save your documents online. A year later when I log back into my account to take more notes for my law classes, I noticed that I was getting traffic to my blog post, my notes on Securities Law, because other people were searching the topics that I had written about. I figured if I was already getting traffic for certain topics, I could just write a bunch of blog post and get traffic for any keywords that were not dominated by major corporations. So I started blogging about investor relations, more specifically, micro cap investor relations. Before I knew it, the Blogger has started at cervitude. Com was coming up on page one for the term microcap investor relations. Understanding this, I have been blogging ever since and dominating keywords like Connecticut business plan writer, New York business plan writer, microcap investor relations, and more. I do not like to label myself, and I'm currently I spend most of my time writing business plans for clients. But it is all because of how much content I produce on the internet, specifically written word.
My point is, I don't care if you went to school to be a lawyer, doctor, nurse, plumber, electrician, or anything else. If you want to live a remote lifestyle, or you just want some extra income, start writing about what you love to do. And people will find you. And if you are opportunistic, you will find a way to make money off of the people finding you online.
My point is, I don't care if you went to school to be a lawyer, doctor, nurse, plumber, electrician, or anything else. If you want to live a remote lifestyle, or you just want some extra income, start writing about what you love to do. And people will find you. And if you are opportunistic, you will find a way to make money off of the people finding you online.
All of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them. I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant. Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship. Follow me on twitter @NicholasCoriano or connect with me on LinkedIn. Buy my book on Amazon: Rules To Entrepreneurship All of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them. I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant. Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship. Follow me on twitter @NicholasCoriano or connect with me on LinkedIn. Buy my book on Amazon: Rules To Entrepreneurship