Write Your Clearly Defined Goals Down Again and Again : An Entrepreneur's Journey pt 52

In this late night episode of An Entrepreneur's Journey, I remind myself that most things I write down on a piece of paper actually come to fruition.  In fact, writing things down greatly increases the chance that something will happen.  You should be very specific about what you want to happen.  It is not good enough to say you want to make $1,000,000 or have a business that makes $100,000,000 next year.  You must say "I want a business that will make $1,000,000 profit" or "make $100,000,000 profit next year."

The universe has a way of giving you "EXACTLY" what you ask for.  Be careful what you ask for and be specific.  And write it down!

You can see all of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them.  I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant.  Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship.  Follow me on twitter @NicholasCoriano