How do I sell my services online? : An Entrepreneur's Journey pt 45

I have sold my service world-wide online.  I have had clients on 5 continents all by selling my services online.  I never met these people and they pay me for website design, business plan development, investor relations services, financial projections, social media consulting and more!   In this video I describe 5 ways to sell services online that have worked for me that have worked for me.  They include craigslist postings, social media marketing, tracking people down online, and more....enjoy!
You can see all of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them.  I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant.  Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship.  Follow me on twitter @NicholasCoriano