I Have An LLC/INC But I Have a New Idea, Do I Need A New LLC/CORP? : An Entrepreneur's Journey pt 11
After consulting over 200 clients through Cervitude.com and NicholasCoriano.com (my professional service websites) I have heard this question again and again.
"I already have an LLC (or Corp) and I started it a few years ago for (insert business idea here) and that didn't work. Now I have a new business idea...do I need a new LLC or Inc?"
The short answer is No! You may want to but you don't' need to...let me explain:
You can see all of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them. I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant. Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship.
"I already have an LLC (or Corp) and I started it a few years ago for (insert business idea here) and that didn't work. Now I have a new business idea...do I need a new LLC or Inc?"
The short answer is No! You may want to but you don't' need to...let me explain:
You can see all of my videos on PushYourRank's YouTube Channel as soon as I post them. I repost the videos here to give you more context into what I was thinking and maybe what I was going through that day that might be relevant. Again my goal with these videos is to document what I have learned from entrepreneurship.