Start Where You Stand But Start! You Can Work From Home, You Don't Need a Office or Studio : An Entrepreneur's Journey Pt. 1
An Entrepreneur's Journey Pt. 1: Don't Be Scared to Start & Work Your Business Plan from Home
So I decided to start blogging my entrepreneurial ventures through YouTube. Basically I am teaching you everything I've learned running online business, creating partnerships, funding startups, developing websites, buying and selling land and oh yea...what I learned in business school and law school.
In this video I was moving from my mother's house to a new apartment with my soon-to-be wife and had been debating with myself on how I was going to start vlogging. Which reminded me of what had made so many of my past ventures a success...I just started. Stopped planning and researching and started on the path I wanted to go. It also gave me a chance to show you where I built many successful businesses. Although I have had many, you don't need an office or fancy loft studio to run a successful business. You need to start and you need to have the wherewithal to relentlessly push forward-ALWAYS!
So I decided to start blogging my entrepreneurial ventures through YouTube. Basically I am teaching you everything I've learned running online business, creating partnerships, funding startups, developing websites, buying and selling land and oh yea...what I learned in business school and law school.
In this video I was moving from my mother's house to a new apartment with my soon-to-be wife and had been debating with myself on how I was going to start vlogging. Which reminded me of what had made so many of my past ventures a success...I just started. Stopped planning and researching and started on the path I wanted to go. It also gave me a chance to show you where I built many successful businesses. Although I have had many, you don't need an office or fancy loft studio to run a successful business. You need to start and you need to have the wherewithal to relentlessly push forward-ALWAYS!