In computing, source code is any collection of computer instructions (possibly with comments) written using some human-readable computer language, usually as text. The source code of a program is specially designed to facilitate the work of computer programmers, who specify the actions to be performed by a computer mostly by writing source code. The source code is often transformed by a compiler program into low-level machine code understood by the computer. The machine code might then be stored for execution at a later time. Alternatively, an interpreter can be used to analyze and perform the outcomes of the source code program directly on the fly.
Most application softwares are distributed in a form that includes executable files, but not their source code. If the source code were included, it would be useful to a user, programmer, or system administrator, who may wish to modify the program or to understand how it works.
Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Posted By: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your website launch or product launch, email
About (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at
Most application softwares are distributed in a form that includes executable files, but not their source code. If the source code were included, it would be useful to a user, programmer, or system administrator, who may wish to modify the program or to understand how it works.
Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Posted By: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your website launch or product launch, email
About (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at