If you sell hosting plans or any service or item which entails accepting monthly payments, this post will show you how to set up your Volusion online store to take recurring payments.
Step 1: Sign on to your Volusion Ecommerce Store.
The first thing you want to do is sign on to your dash board. For this example we will be working on ArizonaLand.co, a client website. We will change the full purchase price of a piece of land for sale so that a customer visiting the online store will be able to buy the land through monthly payments.
Step 2: Go to your "StoreFront" and click on a product.
As in the picture below, you want to be in the front of your store website and click on a product, in our case we have picked the product pictured below. Click on the "Edit" tab on the top of the page as shown in the picture below and click "This Product"
Have useful tips or information about the subject matter in this article? Feel free to comment below...
Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Author: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The NewYorkWebsiteDesignCenter.com. While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on PushYourRank.com for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your Website, Social Media, SEO or other online/technology needs, email PushYourRank@Gmail.com
About PushYourRank.com: PushYourRank.com (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more ....online. The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money Online...as well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see NewYorkWebsiteDesignCenter.com, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at PushYourRank@Gmail.com
Step 1: Sign on to your Volusion Ecommerce Store.
The first thing you want to do is sign on to your dash board. For this example we will be working on ArizonaLand.co, a client website. We will change the full purchase price of a piece of land for sale so that a customer visiting the online store will be able to buy the land through monthly payments.
Step 2: Go to your "StoreFront" and click on a product.
As in the picture below, you want to be in the front of your store website and click on a product, in our case we have picked the product pictured below. Click on the "Edit" tab on the top of the page as shown in the picture below and click "This Product"
Step 3: After you have completed step 2 you should see the screen shot below.
Step 4: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "Advanced info" tab and under that tab you are going to click on the "recurring pricing" tab as shown in the picture below:
The picture above is to bill $99.99 monthly, recurring once a month, for 50 months. After you change these numbers to your specifications, click save.
Step 5: In the same "Advanced Info" tab you are already in, click "Product Display", and fill it out as we have down below:
Last Step: Press Save. Go back to the top of the page and change the price to the "Downpayment" price, in our case it is $99.99, now your customer should be able to buy the product at $99.99 down, plus the first payment, and be billed for 50 months at $99.99.....as shown below:
If you need further assistance with your ecommerce website, or would like to set-up an online store, email us at pushyourrank@gmail.com today to talk shop.
The PushYourRank.com Team
Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Author: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The NewYorkWebsiteDesignCenter.com. While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on PushYourRank.com for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your Website, Social Media, SEO or other online/technology needs, email PushYourRank@Gmail.com
About PushYourRank.com: PushYourRank.com (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more ....online. The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money Online...as well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see NewYorkWebsiteDesignCenter.com, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at PushYourRank@Gmail.com