Recently while working an SEO plan, we were asked questions by a client looking to understand the following things:
a) How to judge keyword performance for their website?
b) How to build credible back links to drive traffic to their website?
c) How can I generate Leads using their SEO efforts ?
d) And what we recommend to accomplish the generated questions?
BlinkLab LLP, a premium Creative Design Studio, asked to audit their website and share best practices on what SEO improvements need to be made. To learn faster, practical examples, rather then theoretically reading, will be written in this post.
Most websites use Google Analytics and accounts at SEO profiler to see whats going on with traffic generated to their site. This is a great start. If you can't see traffic from where it is coming, you won't know which efforts are working and which ones are not!
Keyword Performance
Building Credible Back-links
Making people show up to your website from another website is the whole point of back-linking, it's not just for SEO or search engine ranking tactics. To build credible back-links follow ONE easy step:
a) How to judge keyword performance for their website?
b) How to build credible back links to drive traffic to their website?
c) How can I generate Leads using their SEO efforts ?
d) And what we recommend to accomplish the generated questions?
BlinkLab LLP, a premium Creative Design Studio, asked to audit their website and share best practices on what SEO improvements need to be made. To learn faster, practical examples, rather then theoretically reading, will be written in this post.
Most websites use Google Analytics and accounts at SEO profiler to see whats going on with traffic generated to their site. This is a great start. If you can't see traffic from where it is coming, you won't know which efforts are working and which ones are not!
Practical Examples for SEO

- Pick a keyword (s). Let's say for our client's sake it's "Creative Design Studios" or "Website Builders for Hire"
- Pick two secondary keywords, again for example sake let's use "Website Design" & "Creative Websites"
These Keywords are the words you choose are the phrases or words people online type into search engines. To show up naturally in a search through Google or Yahoo, your keywords should be mentioned often in your website. Once you have picked the keywords be sure to:
- Highlight, make bold, underline or link the keywords in your blog articles AND website pages to other pages or posts on your website and/or external websites pertaining to, in this example, Creative Websites or Website Design (People watching their Analytics will see traffic coming from your website and visit)
- Every Post should be tagged (meta tagged) or labeled with the keywords, in addition to key words for the article post. Avoid just filling tags with the same keyword on EVERY article. Search Engines sometimes see this as "Meta Tag Stuffing" and avoid your page when searching. Just make sure every blog post has at least one of your Primary or Secondary keywords. Example: The Article on Album Cover Design is tagged: Design...This one tag is a solid keyword, but should include: Creative Album Cover Design, Creative Design Studio Work, and Creative Design Branding (See how your keywords are there, but not simply repeated?)
- Every URL should include keywords. If you visit the WHO page on the website, the URL currently reads: and should probably read more like goes for each blog post. These words will show the site is always on topic, even in the URL the search engine will see the keywords, thus making it appear higher in the rankings.
Building Credible Back-links
Making people show up to your website from another website is the whole point of back-linking, it's not just for SEO or search engine ranking tactics. To build credible back-links follow ONE easy step:
- In the case for our Website Design Studio, contribute to blogs, websites, and forums pertaining to your keywords and subject matter. Example: If you post a comment on this blog it would not be as strong as posting a comment on a blog about Creative Website Design. Make sure the forums are on topic as well. Some blogs allow you to contribute articles, do so, and make sure they are original (not copy and pasted---search engines don't like that). Include links in the articles, forum posts and make sure to highlight the keywords and make them your link. Example Sentence in Your Article or Forum Post: Blink Lab is a web design & development studio based in India with Client Service offices based out of US, Australia & UK. We have a reputation for building clean, unique and unforgettable user interfaces. Since start of operations we have signed on reputed clients out of India and Abroad.

Step one is really all you need, the more forum posts and websites you write on that are RELEVANT to your topic, the more back-links will appear. Discussion threads on Yahoo and Google have heavy traffic and work well. Ads in Craigslist as well are great ways for linking. Twitter and Facebook should also be utilized by tweeting and posting every blog article that comes from your website, as well as industry websites. By posting other peoples links, articles, and tips on Website Design and Branding, potential clients will be attracted to your Social Media platforms for advice and will eventually see you as the GO-TO source on the subject matter; even if you are not writing all the content and simply disseminating it!
IMPORTANT NOTE ON CREDIBLE BACK-LINKS: Credible back-links are not only text. They include, pictures, graphs, videos, music, and anything that can be uploaded to the Internet. Notice the blue picture above graphing links from relevant sites is named SEOBacklinks or something like that, this helps with keywords. If it is posted in Picasa or Pintrest, with a link, it creates a credible link. Same with a video on YouTube discussing or showcasing Creative Websites, if the link is placed on a Video with the Title "The Best Creative Website Design Studios in America", the link will appear more credible, and the person watching the video is more pron ed to click to your website.
Turning Leads from SEO Efforts
This is probably one of the most Intelligent SEO questions I have heard come from a client. Driving a million views to your website in one day doesn't help much if you can't profit from it. So how do you turn traffic into paying customers via your website or online? The answer lies in two elements of your online presence, your writing and link usage.
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Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Author: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your Website, Social Media, SEO or other online/technology needs, email
About (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at
- It's all in the writing. A Call To Action is necessary at the beginning and end of any website page or article you post. A call to action, or CTA, is a banner, button, link, or some type of graphic or text on a website meant to prompt a user to click it and continue down a conversion funnel. It is an essential part of inbound marketing as well as permission marketing in that it actively strives to convert a user into a lead and later into a customer. An example would be this sentence at the end of an article: We hope you enjoyed this article on "How To Judge Keyword Performance, Build Credible Backlinks, & Generate Leads Using SEO". DON'T HESITATE TO EMAIL US WITH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE OR TO SET UP YOUR SEO STRATEGY! EMAIL US NOW TO START THE CONVERSATION BY CLICKING THIS LINK! Notice how the sentence prompts the reader to take an action; thus a Call To Action!
- It's all in the linking. A link on another blog post or one of your web pages that is clicked is a good indication a visitor wants more. Make sure you link pertinent Call To Action phrases wherever you can. For example, In the middle of an article a sentence can read: So many people get professionally designed websites because it is more economical and save time.
Please feel free to add relevant content in the comment section below and follow us on twitter for all updates from
Hope this was helpful,
The PushYourRank Team
Author: Nicholas Coriano
About The Author: Nicholas Coriano is an Entrepreneur, Web Developer, Social Media Marketer, SEO Consultant and the founder of this blog and The While developing websites for his own businesses and marketing his entrepreneurial ventures online, he began blogging useful tips and "how-to" articles on for reference purposes. To retain Nicholas for help with your Website, Social Media, SEO or other online/technology needs, email
About (the Blog) is a blog that helps small businesses, start-ups, developers, amateurs website builders, bloggers and entrepreneurs develop their websites, their social media presence, their search engine optimization techniques and more The Blog publishes articles about Ecommerce, Email Marketing and How To Make Money well as any topic that pertains to the Internet or Online. If you need help developing a website, SEO or Social Media outsourcing, see, if you would like to advertise or have us publish an article on a certain subject, please email us at